Monday, November 15, 2010

Untitled Poem by Soror Reynard

Untitled Poem 

by Soror Reynard

Do we come together for the wine
and fornication, master?  Painting
my eyes dark and plaiting my hair,
am I an offering devoid of finer fiber?
Who can say as the cigarettes rise
and fall that we are anything
but base matter. 

As the wine tumbles and breath
hitches in the throat, try a new spell.
Weave your fingers upon my heart.
Call the moon into this room, crazy
as she is and full of foam; let me
hitch up my skirt and defer to God.
What spirit enters in that hour
will leave the bells trembling and
strike swiftly on the altar of night.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rare picture of Hymenaeus Alpha

This rare old picture of Hymenaeus Alpha is from when he lived on San Pablo Ave in Berkeley.
Picture submitted by:
Donald Correll

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gnostic Mass Performance, Thursday 11/4/10

Greeting & Salutation

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

On the evening of Thursday 11/4 Dove & Serpent Oasis will be performing our celebration of The Gnostic Mass. We ask all attending to arrive by 7pm so there will be time to get acquainted, review some Temple protocols, & start Mass at 8pm sharp. All who are in good standing are invited to attend. We would also like to welcome our friends from IFC & Dragon Rouge (of Sweden) who are joining us. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Love is the law, love under will.

Fr. Volo Adamo
Dove+Serpent Oasis

Sunday, October 31, 2010

harder and harder

harder and harder
by frater 222

It's getting
harder and harder
as we kreep 
closer and closer
to that rushing 
point in the future 

we all no it
but we all see it
just the same


but whats a body to do 
about it
'cept just wait and wait

and our ancestors 
aren't much help anymore
from beyond the veil they
just shrug and say
your guess is as good as
but make sure you 
get it right this time

Members of the Dove and Serpent Oasis attend drum and dance festival

Members of the Dove and Serpent Oasis attend drum and dance festival. 
by Frater 222

Several members of the Oasis attended a drum and dance gathering in the local area from September 23rd to September 26th, 2010.  There, members explored the magick of drum and dance.  Currently the Oasis is exploring the use of drumming and dancing as a way to further their magickal development.  

Sunday, October 17, 2010

E.C. Weekend

From October 15th through the 17th of 2010 the Dove and Serpent Oasis hosted the quarterly meeting of the Electoral College of the United States, O.T.O.

Friday the 15th at 8pm we had a casual reception to welcome our electors at the Dove+Serpent Oasis Temple. Food, drinks and stimulating conversation was had by all.

On Saturday the Oasis catered the food for the Electoral College's meeting. The electoral college consists of Eleven individuals and "has full control of the affairs of the Men of Earth... the appointment is for Eleven Years. Volunteers must renounce for that period all further progress in the Order." (The Equinox, Vol. 3, Number 10, p. 175).

Saturday, Dove and Serpent Oasis members, the Electoral College and their guests all met for dinner at the No Mas! Cantina in Atlanta's art district, Castleberry Hill.

After a wonderful dinner we all convened at Avatar Events group for a dance performance by friends of the Oasis: The Syzgany Sisters. Our own Sister Alyssa also participated in the magickal dance performance. We thank Brother Bobby Creech for adding the musical accompaniment.

The weekends festivities culminated with our celebration of The Gnostic Mass on Sunday the 17th. The Priest was Brother Dan Delage & our Priestess Sister Shannon Delage. They both provided us with, as always, a wonderful performance of the mass.

We wish to give Brother Dan Delage our warmest thanks as this weekend marked his valedictory meeting. We of the Dove and Serpent Oasis sincerely thank Dan for 11 years of service!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Party's Gone

by Atalanta's Star

I've come back
But I'm not the same
the party's gone
but the bare cement
and pillars of this warehouse
are smooth and dusty
you can see the sunlight through the dust of the window
white with the ephemeral angels of gold light
casting their approving light
like a lover reclining against a rock
while she thinks of the meeting just ended

I am more like the obelisk outside
that faces the desert
then these strong, cold pillars
separated by the ceiling they hold aloft

I am more like the sunlight now than I've ever been
that natural pillar of God
through and before which these creatures walk and speak

and you laugh
my dove and light
that time cannot affect
as bright and without space
as infinitely necessary to reveal this place
as the minds and hands that built it
because when you smile I see it as it had not been
and I had forgotten
my heart and inner eye open up to being awake
I am more here
my eye and heart more open
but coming from somewhere more far off
like the sun in the sky
the sun in my soul
that shined before I was ever born

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New O.T.O. Camp in Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Dove & Serpent Oasis would like to congratulate the newly formed Kephale Camp in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

We look forward to future collaboration with the Kephale Camp.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Magick and Coffee: Coffee Magick

Presented by Frater Post Tenebras Lux

During Crowley's magical retirement in Paris, which he documented in extraordinary detail in his magical diary "John St. John,".

There is a period in which he is consecrating all his food toward the end of the Great Work. For coffee he recites the following:

O coffee! By the mighty Name of Power do I invoke thee, consecrating thee to the Service of the Magic of Light. Let the pulsations of my heart be strong and regular and slow! Let my brain be wakeful and active in its supreme task of self-control! That my desired end may be effected through Thy strength, Adonai, unto Whom be the Glory for ever! Amen without lie, and Amen, and Amen of Amen.

And then there's The Caffeinated Cross, a Javacrucian ritual.


Stand, facing east, holding your coffee cup, filled with the mystical brew, in your power hand, and assume a posture of wakeful alertness.

Bring your coffee cup to your forehead and intone:


Lower your coffee cup to the vicinity of your navel:


Bring your coffee cup to your left shoulder:


Bring it across to your right shoulder:


Clasp your coffee cup in both hands over your heart chakra:


Extend your arms to the sides, and intone:







Drink the coffee, in communion with the spirits of the Sacred Coffee Bean. This last step may be usefully repeated as long as you like.

To end the ritual, raise the mug to your lips one last time, facing East and intone:

"GODDESS... I needed that!"

Monday, July 26, 2010

Record of Goetic working with Vassago

by Frater Post Tenebras Lux

For night two of our Goetic workshop, we chose to summon the spirit Vassago and ask an oracle for the coming year for Dove and Serpent Oasis, and also to ask him to use his power to find things lost and hidden to help us find the membership we need to obtain and sustain a freestanding temple space. I (Frater Post Tenebras Lux) was the operator. Sister A. was the seer. Brother B. scribed, and thoughtfully made an audio recording which helped to fill in the gaps later for anything missed.

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An iv18 Sol 2° Leo, Luna 21° Capricorn
Dies Saturnii
Saturday, July 24, 2010 e.v. 10:00 PM

When I completed the conjuration I asked the seer, as I always do, "Do you have a presence?" She nodded and replied "yes." "Do you need it stronger?" I asked. If the seer replies affirmatively I repeat the first conjuration. She acted confused and murmured, "I don't know." Clearly, the question wasn't even understood - this was NOT Sister A. I was speaking with. The spirit was here, so I gave the welcome then proceeded to ask for the oracle.

Operator: "We ask thee, noble Prince Vassago, for an oracle for the year ahead for Dove and Serpent Oasis, for any foresight which can help us in the coming year to grow in knowledge, understanding, and enlightenment and that might help us overcome any obstacles before us in this time."

Vassago: "Seek out temples of learning, perform many rituals, a great rift is coming for the entire world, you will be unshaken, seek out those that seek to better their minds, you will find them in halls of learning, you will find them in halls of art and dance and paint,

"Go forth if ye will, hold those close to you, they are already here, and this becomes like a bond."

"Travel past your boundaries, be bold, be fearless be filled with joy, find rapture in what you do, from worlds of misfortune you will be gifted with new blood."

[Long pause]

Operator: "Does this conclude the oracle?"

Vassago: "Only if you wish it."

Operator: "Do you have more to impart to us?"

Vassago: "Yes"

Operator: "Then by all means, we would hear it."

Vassago: "Fill your banquet tables with rare delights, and rare wines, soon royalty will be passing through, guard one another, soon you will have your temple, do not tarry, (?) there is much work (?)"

"Keep pets, care for them as totems and they will serve as familiar, translate your message into many languages and many nomenclatures do not be limited in its breadth"

"Thrill with the experience of flesh, the joys of the living, brief as they are."

"There is some special news coming, news that will heal."

"Travel and adventure, leave the buildings and cages, find those places that are most alive

"clear (?) with recent leaves (?)" [I do not remember this part - Frater Post Tenebras Lux]

[Another lengthy pause, perhaps twice as long this time.]

Operator: "Does this conclude the oracle?"

Vassago: "Yes"

[The oracle had been so long and detailed - it seemed much longer at the time, receiving it slowly, than it does now writing it out - that I spontaneously re-worded our previously written charge as a request rather than a command. Vassago was agreeable.]

Operator: "Then according to thy power to find things lost and hidden, we ask thee also, noble Prince Vassago, to muster the 26 legions of spirits under thy command and, while harming no one, to assist us in finding and connecting with the strong, enthusiastic and fraternal members we need for our group to grow, to prosper into our own temple, and to further the Great Work."

"Do as we ask, fulfill this charge well and faithfully, and we shall raise thee up even as we are raised up, letting those who come to our group know of your powerful help and faithful service."

"Are you agreeable to this?"

"Of course."

"Is it clear?"

"It is clear."

[Gave license to depart and the spirit left. Showed the seer the hexagram a few moments, asked if the spirit had departed and, on receiving an affirmative reply, covered the mirror and triangle with a black cloth and proceeded to close and banish.]

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Many thanks to Sister A., who is an awesome seer, and Brother B. for scribing!