Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dove & Serpent Oasis End of the Year Party

Dove and Serpent Oasis hosted an end of the year party on the evening of Friday December 16th, 2011 to celebrate another successful year!

Dove & Serpent Oasis members & friends provide music for the party.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ten Year Anniversary of Dove & Serpent Oasis

In September of 2011 the Oasis marked its ten year anniversary! To commemorate this event, Dove and Serpent hosted a 10 Year Birthday Party Extravaganza! The party was held at the Oasis Temple, on Friday, September 30th, 2011.

The party was simply a way for us to enjoy the company of our fellow Brothers and Sisters and to celebrate how far we've come in the last 10 years.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

September Minerval Initiations

On behalf of Dove and Serpent, we would like to congratulate the new Minervals that we initiated on Saturday, September the 17th and Friday, September 23rd, 2011.

They were beautiful initiations and we look forward to seeing the new initiates faces around the Oasis.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cuteness Slave

This is a still frame from the unfinished short film by frater 222 (aka: Alex Holden) entitled: Feature Length.

Feature Length, was privately screened for the first time to the Holden family in summer of 2009.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Kether → Binah → Tiphareth → Yesod → Malkuth

by Soror Reynard

Kether   Binah   Tiphareth   Yesod   Malkuth




Malkuth   Yesod   Tiphareth   Binah   Kether

What is lowest is highest. The path from the all shining star to the earth runs parallel to the reverse of same. Flow down the ladder of Truth from ALL to Knowledge, from Knowledge to Compassion, from Compassion to Foundation, from Foundation to Kingdom.

That which is ALL is all Truth. From all Truth comes Knowledge of the serpent in flight. From this Knowledge comes Compassion for all beings in their infinite possibility, their pure potential. All beings hold the winged serpent, though not all will awaken. Maintain Compassion for this thought. Compassion flows down in beauty to Foundation. Foundation of what? The dark city, the city of towers and its foundation of moonstone is the abode of those who will change. Change is the Foundation of the Universe.

And the Kingdom? The land of men. Of this I can only hazard little. The Kingdom is the land of Kings. In order to reach the heights, I must root myself here. Here! Be here, be thine own. The spirit is strong, but the spirit devoid of the body’s power can hold no change in this realm of earth. Here, the physical reigns supreme. If I am not in the body, I have no power here. I am waltzing through the Foundation with no ties to the Kingdom. Mentally, I will make strides, but my will is more than mental working. My will is to rejoice in all daily motions, all movements, all laughter, all sensations of feeling.

As above, so below. Let the power come down through the serpent’s wings. Give life to this body that moves so dully. Am I dreaming? Check your hands. See, that is better – you are awake.

Advice to my nephew on his 1st birthday

by Frater 222

life, he himself said once, is awake,
livit or kick it – a phrase which the
establisher of the world – said his
p’s and mind mined his Q’s by…

crypticly through the windowdisks and with
eddying waves, the round eyes – at the
first crack of thunder – awoke the pair
headed Arden…

I call our universe to witness – any dog’s
Life you list & - the abundant mercy of
Him which Thundereth on High – Chuffy
Was an Angel whose soared flesh Lighted Like Likeing…

And how to say – it is what is – what
Is that O’ Holy Troopers – the whole
Thingamabob – including the portions of glee
Glue green; for up you stumble – for with glee
You guess - 4 with search you fling – over the wiles
Of the Willy – Wooly - & Woolfy…

[of the WWWorld]

Can it be

by Frater 222

Ski skein Amit
Angri Andy Kaia
Whiz smelt ANSI
Angie snap any

Words are Boeing
Words are knowing
Words are kaisun

Goblins in the corner
Bobs in the corner
Bush is in vacation

Iany sun bay
Wiry hey neu
Skier sneu is

Goodnight sweet
Prince and princess

The Sweet Unnecessary

by Frater Volo Adamo

it may seem at times
that this frail human vessel
is held forth only for god to pour in it's pain
but perhaps from wherever god is,
when compared to the still & silent
the perfect, balanced, & neutralized
any disturbance may seem better
to throw a rock to just hear it break
maybe we are the only merciful diversions
from that blank wall of zen
we are the factors X
we will do the stupid, the brilliant
the profane, & the holy
we will laugh & in our laughter cry
we will shriek & in our shrieking sing
there is no vessel as unpredictable
no machine less necessary, yet vital
as... the human

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Rays of the New Aeon Sun

"...the Order is like a lotus opening to the rays of the New Aeon Sun."
—taken from An Introduction to the O.T.O. by Frater Ad Veritatem, IX

A member of Dove & Serpent Oasis holds the O.T.O banner during the public reading of Liber AL in Little Five Points, Atlanta, Georgia - April 10th, 2011 e.v.

Public Reading of Liber AL in L5P

On April 10th, 2011 e.v. Members of Dove & Serpent Oasis performed a procession and a public reading of the third chapter of The Book of the Law in the Little Five Points neighborhood of Atlanta, Georgia.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Man has the speak what he will

"Man has the right to think what he will: to speak what he will..."
— taken from Liber OZ by A. Crowley

Frater and Soror Reynard hold the banners while Frater Volentis & Soror read the 3rd chapter of The Book of the Law - Little Five Points, Atlanta, Georgia - April 10th, 2011 e.v.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dove & Serpent Oasis Debate on 2012

The original question was: 
What are your thoughts on December 23, 2012?  Will it be a new revolution in consciousness, nothing or destruction?

by Frater Post Tenebras Lux

We just need to remember how the date really came to be considered so significant:

Many years ago, in the Mayan capital: a wealthy man is surveying
his room of slave-scribes, all of whom have been calculating the
calendar into the future. They have no idea why they have been set to
this task, but their lot is not to question. It is tedious work, but
full of mysteries; no one quite understands why their master wants a
list of all the three-day weekends, for example. SO I CAN PLAN A
BARBEQUE, he shouts. What does that mean? Today he strides around the
room with his usual imperious swagger, peering at their work,
correcting mistakes – one slave put “thanxsquvng” on the second week in
November, whatever that was, and he was beheaded on the spot – and when
he is done, he asks how far they’ve gotten. He does this every day.

“December 21, 2012” says Tectoquixtal, whose name means “Urine of Jaguar.”

The master nods, as if he expected nothing less, then turns and leaves
the room. Tectoquixtal watches him cross the street – and can barely
believe his eyes when his master is struck by a spear thrown from the
nearby practice range. It catches him in the chest, and he drops
without a sound.

Tectoquixtal looks down at his work, the date Dec. 21, 2012, and thinks, well, screw this, then.

93 93/93

Frater Post Tenebras Lux the Skeptic, who has seen any number of "momentous" dates pass in his 30 years or so in the occult community while the world went on pretty much the same.

by Frater Vesanus Coprocapitus

I like the story, but still find the date interesting.

This point in the great year (26000ishyr) seems to be the point when the movement of our solar system within the spiral arm brings it to a point with the least amount of matter and space between us and the galactic center.  There also seems to be a strong linear alignment (still looking for more astronomy on this) of bodies in space.

The other aspect of 2012 is the predictability of solar cycles. Not only are there 11yr sunactivity cycles but cycles of those cycles giving least to most activity peaks and valleys.  2012 and 2013 are peak times, december 2012 possibly combining the peak solar storm and flare blowoffs with the time their is more direct effect on this planet.  The actual timing of such direct flare is still in question.  We have been lucky so far at the beginning of the cycle upturn, that the major flares have come off the far side and were not aimed at us.

This would have been a great time to have already placed technology in space to research dark matter.  We will definately learn much of how to protect our computer technology from magnetic storms and the like.

by Soror Reynard

I believe there is a huge shift coming.

The human brain has been steadily evolving over the years/decades/centuries.  With this evolution, humanity seems to be steadily developing her more occult gifts: psych-ism, for example.

What if a pole shift pushes our evolution that much further?  There is enough iron in the human blood stream to assume that we would be directly affected by a huge magnetic shift.  In what ways?  How can we presume to know?

I don't think that we're going back to an agricultural age - unfortunately.  I was rather looking forward to butter churning and catching fish, wearing home made clothing with a baby on one hip.  Seriously, no joke on that.  I expect more technological advancements, to my partial excitement and greater dismay.  Still, I feel that a mental shift is immeninent - either through the collective will of humanity wanting a greater inter-connection to each other and the universe, or through means hoisted on us by major shifts or planetary bodies.

by Frater 222

I agree with Frater Vesanus Coprocapitus, more or less, on his points and with Soror Reynard.

The fact that 2012 is at the end of the great year (26,000 year solar cycle) is interesting to note.  grant spoke a lot about the occult significance of the 26,000 great year in his books.

Also, Vesanus Coprocapitus pointed out that we will be closest to the galactic center in 2012, 2013 which is another fact that is compelling in the whole 2012 controversy.  another term for this is the galactic rift...

Notice vassago's comments about a 'great rift' is coming for the 'entire world'

I also point out that another argument in the 2012 debate is the notion that a rouge planet or a brown dwarf star with a irregular orbit will come so close to earth and throw off earth's theory goes is that this is what caused the sinking of Atlantis and Noah's flood.

Frater Post Tenebras Lux

_Magnetic_ poles shifts have been verified, and overdue in simple terms of how often they've happened and when one last happened. It would undoubtedly screw up navigation for a while, though we'd get it sorted out. I'm not sure what else. It is known that many animals use magnetic fields to orient themselves, the most recently verified that I'm aware of being sea turtles:

However, in spite of scientists looking for such evidence based on its verification in other animals, no one has ever found any evidence that humans use magnetic fields in this way. I suspect we don't in fact - otherwise, I could probably at least find my car in the parking lot again without using my phone's GPS, or maybe even my way home if an accident forces a detour! ;-)  However, note "I suspect" not "I know" or even "I believe."  It is quite possible that we are equipped to detect such but trained to ignore it and use the many other, much stronger cues that our overgrown cerebrums as well as our technological world provide.

So I'm not saying that magnetic fields do NOT influence humans significantly. The fact that such influence is verified in animals proves that such is at least possible. But I suspect the effect, if it exists, is quite small. In any case, I'm also quite sure that we'd adapt to that. We'd just have to start making our maps with south at the top - or something. *g*

Actually, even that is a simplistic notion, because the phenomenon is well understood enough for us to know that the poles don't, in human time terms, "flip" in the sense of rapidly changing. The entire change takes thousands of years during which the magnetic fields get complex, possibly with multiple poles.

More to the current point, I am aware of absolutely nothing to link 2012 or the Mayan calendar in general to known past or anticipated future magnetic pole shifts. Is anyone else?  The magnetic poles do wander normally, and the NMP HAS been moving more rapidly of late than a few years before, but it is not known if this is outside the normal range. While the exact reason isn't also known there are some pretty good ideas about it:

> Sometimes the field completely flips. The north and the south poles swap places. Such reversals, recorded in the magnetism of ancient rocks, are unpredictable. They come at irregular intervals averaging about 300,000 years; the last one was 780,000 years ago. Are we overdue for another? No one knows.
> According to Glatzmaier, the ongoing 10% decline doesn't mean that a reversal is imminent. "The field is increasing or decreasing all the time," he says. "We know this from studies of the paleomagnetic record." Earth's present-day magnetic field is, in fact, much stronger than normal. The dipole moment, a measure of the intensity of the magnetic field, is now 8 × 1022 amps × m2. That's twice the million-year average of 4× 1022 amps × m2.

> Reversals take a few thousand years to complete, and during that time--contrary to popular belief--the magnetic field does not vanish. "It just gets more complicated," says Glatzmaier. Magnetic lines of force near Earth's surface become twisted and tangled, and magnetic poles pop up in unaccustomed places. A south magnetic pole might emerge over Africa, for instance, or a north pole over Tahiti. Weird. But it's still a planetary magnetic field, and it still protects us from space radiation and solar storms.

We have already seen plenty of evidence of human thought continuing to evolve. As one friend commented to me back at the time of, oh, the "harmonic convergence" I believe, "both sides are going to continue getting stronger."  (At the time I dubbed it "the moronic convergence" which shows how long I've had these views.)  Overlooking the perhaps simplistic dualism in that statement, he's been quite right, at least in terms of social and political thought and evolution. There are areas in the social and political scene where we've made great progress, and other areas where we've really regressed since the 70s or even 80s.

But whichever way we evolve and grow, I don't blame or credit some vaguely defined or undefined galactic position or ancient calendar, but ourselves. The buck stops here. Sure we can grow greatly, or recede greatly, in 2012, but not because a cycle of a Mayan calendar ticks over a row of 000s on the chronological odometer, but because we do or do not choose to grow and do, or do not, choose to give in to regressive forces like fear and repression, superstition and tyranny.

Many other historic calendars have very different cycles with nothing special about 2012 but other significant dates.  Why is the Mayan one of particular importance? My admittedly rather sarcastic view is that weight is given to the next one up and, when it turns out to be pretty much a dud, we can always move on to the next one, always looking to something outside to rescue us or, alternatively, to throw us back into an existence our somewhat overloaded brains find appealingly more simplistic. Ain't gonna happen - we have to deal with what we have and when, where and who we are and take responsibility for what we become without looking to rogue planets or ancient calendars for our salvation.

And while I'm pretty at home with technology, part of me wouldn't mind so much being wrong. I think I remember how to catch fish, and I do know how to make black powder, cast lead, and shoot straight. ;-)  There's always something in us that yearns for that kind of Eden. But I really believe that whatever kind of Eden we want, we are going to have to make it ourselves before we can return to it.

The Alter

The Alter - Taken March (Spring Equinox) 2011 @ Dove + Serpent Oasis Temple

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stair Way to Thelema

March 2011 e.v. (Spring Equinox)
Frater Volo Adamo (Bodymaster) | Frater Vesanus Coprocapitus

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bran=903 Submission Appears in AGAPE

Bran=903, who has submitted content to LOGOS in the past, had a selection of his appear in the latest edition (Vol. XI, No. 4) of Agape.

The selection: 'A Blizzard in the Sahara' by Aleister Crowley was first published in 1911 in the Bystander.

Bran=903 came into possession of this rare essay by Crowley, by way of Hymenaeus Alpha.

Kenneth Grant is Dead, Alas

by Frater 222

On February 1st of 2011 Starfire Publishing publicly announced that Kenneth Grant passed away on January 15th, 2011.

In 1944 a 20 year-old Grant became a student of 69 year-old Crowley and it appears he was his last living student. Grant was also a close friend of the godfather of Chaos magick, Austin Osman Spare.

An obituary on the Llewellyn Blog rightly pointed out:

"There is no doubt that Grant was a controversial figure. Still, without him we might not have had the current interest in the works of Nema, Spare, Achad, Lovecraft, and the actual practice of magick (as opposed to the theoretical study of magick). Without Grant, Chaos Magick might not have developed."

Hymenaeus Beta, in his essay "Culture v/s Cult", said Grant's:

"...excellent book The Magical Revival indeed contributed to a genuine revival in the early 1970's...We count some of Mr. Grant's most enthusiastic readers among our members."

Grant's books are known to sale for hundreds of dollars on the used book market and his last book, Beyond the Mauve Zone, is currently going for $849 at Amazon.

Perhaps, an obituary on Kenneth Grant is best summed up in a quote from his second book Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God.

"The keen and persistent practice of Thelema by even a few dedicated individuals will effectually overthrow society and thereby facilitate the unhindered development of the New Aeon and the reintegration of human consciousness."


Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Received Transmission by Soror Akanada

She? Sheba?

Retract and protect. Blessings.
The quickest way is diagonal, contrary to most.
She will appear many times on that path starting young, then growing, then at her height at the End. Then a new path begins. This cycle goes on infinitely. She is not there to assist, but to distract, until you reach the End, then her fullness is known.

(A female voice, not her, but her Mother. The first cannot speak, she is another product of Sophia and her consort.)

The purpose of these children is to test. Some are more horrific than the first.

(This energy is both retractive and reflective.)

Her image appears again in young girl form. She is completely wild, like she was raised by animals. She has many snakes, in her hair, hands, and around her waist. But all knowledge resides in her eyes. This image may be what eventually became Medusa. ( In a previous transmission, it was said that to stand before Medusa was a form of initiation; those who could accept her gaze (knowledge) were unharmed and were blessed. Those who feared her and were not accepting of the scope of her knowledge, perished. Her eyes first look human, then go black.)

The act of transferring knowledge into action is symbolized by the eye in the palm of the hand. The element associated with this shift is fire.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Audio of 'Thelema and Humanistic Psychology' Lecture

Audio of the lecture is featured in episode 16 of The Speech in the Silence Podcast. A longer version of the lecture also exists.

This lecture occurred on February the 26th, 2011 at the Dove & Serpent Oasis Temple. The lecture was based on the essay 'Thelema and Humanistic Psychology' by Frater 222 written in 2001.

A version of this essay can be found at Frater 222's website.

And the essay also was included in his book: The Red Planet Arrives.

Special thanks to Brother B. for audio recording and editing of the lecture.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Crowley Mass Song

DISCLAIMER: This post is an item of historic interest. According to Frater Bran=903 it was sung to Hymaneus Alpha by the local OTO body of the time. Frater Bran=903 tells us that Hymaneus Alpha received the song with great amusement "all the time". The humor of the song should not be interpreted as a comment on the present discourse on basic points such as "who is in charge of the OTO."

The Crowley Mass Song

Post presented by Donald Correll

Is Aleister Crowley really dead, really dead.
Did he do those terrible things they said, things they said.
Is he but dust beneath the sod, beneath the sod.

Or was Aleister Crowley really god? Really god.
Hark what's that shuffling host, shuffling host,.
Good grief it's Aleister Crowley's ghost, Crowleys ghost.

Holy of holy is the game and Aleister Crowley is the name.
Praise the name.
Evoe Pan was his favorite Hymm, his favorite Hymm.
Because it reminded him of him, him of him.

Heroin was his favorite dope, it cures from love, peace and hope and the pope.
Is Aleister Crowley really dead, really dead.
Did he do those terrible things they said, things they said.
Is he but dust beneath the sod, beneath the sod.
Or was Aleister Crowley really god? Really god.
Crowley had a wife her name was Rose.
Tis said she had a very pretty nose, pretty nose.
And he himself regarded it with awe,
It lead to the receiving of the law. The Book of the law.
Twenty thousand feet over Chogo Ri, Chogo Ri.
Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein laughed with glee, laughed with glee.
Nobody else had climbed so high, One more step by god they'd touch the sky.
Is Aleister Crowley really dead, really dead.
Did he do those terrible things they said, things they said.
Is he but dust beneath the sod, beneath the sod.
Or was Aleister Crowley really god? Really god.
Victor Newburgh was his favorite acolyte
Tis said he kept him late at night
And when the eye of Horus he had kissed
He cried I am a fundamentalist.
Crowley had some squares of Abramelin.
T'is said he used them to keep a dog from yelling.
The beast of hell was the product of the fun.
He cried by god look what I have done.
Is Aleister Crowley really dead, really dead.
Did he do those terrible things they said, things they said.
Is he but dust beneath the sod, beneath the sod.
Or was Aleister Crowley really god? Really god.
Nobody knows whos Lodge is whose.
Nobody pays his fucking dues.
There is only one thing I don't know, who's in charge of the bloody OTO.
The last word on Crowley was Sashas
For she was last to ever haul his ashes.
One night in a fit of drunken Glee
She dashed them 'neath that north NJ tree,
A lone pine tree.
Holy, Holy, Holy
Aleister Crowley
One hand to Malkuth,
The other to the Crown