Monday, November 15, 2010

Untitled Poem by Soror Reynard

Untitled Poem 

by Soror Reynard

Do we come together for the wine
and fornication, master?  Painting
my eyes dark and plaiting my hair,
am I an offering devoid of finer fiber?
Who can say as the cigarettes rise
and fall that we are anything
but base matter. 

As the wine tumbles and breath
hitches in the throat, try a new spell.
Weave your fingers upon my heart.
Call the moon into this room, crazy
as she is and full of foam; let me
hitch up my skirt and defer to God.
What spirit enters in that hour
will leave the bells trembling and
strike swiftly on the altar of night.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rare picture of Hymenaeus Alpha

This rare old picture of Hymenaeus Alpha is from when he lived on San Pablo Ave in Berkeley.
Picture submitted by:
Donald Correll

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gnostic Mass Performance, Thursday 11/4/10

Greeting & Salutation

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

On the evening of Thursday 11/4 Dove & Serpent Oasis will be performing our celebration of The Gnostic Mass. We ask all attending to arrive by 7pm so there will be time to get acquainted, review some Temple protocols, & start Mass at 8pm sharp. All who are in good standing are invited to attend. We would also like to welcome our friends from IFC & Dragon Rouge (of Sweden) who are joining us. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Love is the law, love under will.

Fr. Volo Adamo
Dove+Serpent Oasis